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Rust Implement Tonic Stream Endpoint

· 5 min read

Today want share how to implement a stream endpoint in Rust using the Tonic framework.

the dependency

anyhow = "1.0.82"
chrono = { version = "0.4.38", features = ["serde"] }
derive_builder = "0.20.0"
futures = "0.3.30"
prost = "0.12.4"
prost-types = "0.12.4"
tokio = { version = "1.40.0", features = ["rt", "rt-multi-thread", "macros"] }
tokio-stream = "0.1.15"
tonic = { version = "0.11.0", features = ["zstd", "tls"] }
tonic-build = "0.11.0"
uuid = { version = "1.10.0", features=["v4"]}
fake = { version="2.9.2", features=["derive", "chrono"]}
tracing = "0.1.40"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.18", features = ["env-filter"] }

anyhow = "1.0.82"
tonic-build = "0.11.0"

Add new stream method to protobuf

syntax = "proto3";

package social;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

service SocialService {
rpc PostFeed(PostFeedRequest) returns (stream PostFeedResponse) {}

message PostFeedRequest{
int32 limit = 1;

message PostFeedResponse{
repeated Post posts = 1;

message User {
string user_id = 1;
string nick_name = 2;
string user_name = 3;
string avatar = 4;
string bio = 5;
string email = 6;
string web_site = 7;
string birthday = 8;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 10;

message Content {
string text = 1;
repeated string images = 2;
repeated string videos = 3;

message Post {
string post_id = 1;
User user = 2;
Content content = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5;

And then implement the stream method in SocialServiceServer

  • Init a mpsc::channel to send the post.
  • In the tokio::spawn start a loop and send the post to the channel every 3 seconds.
  • In the send loop, call Post::fake() to generate the post we want to send.
  • Init the receiver stream with channel rx: let stream = ReceiverStream::new(rx); and Box::pin, and return the response.

path: src/abi/

use std::{ops::Deref, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, time::Duration};

use futures::Stream;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc, time::sleep};
use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
use tonic::{async_trait, Request, Response, Status};
use tracing::warn;

use crate::pb::social::{
social_service_server::{SocialService, SocialServiceServer},
GreetRequest, GreetResponse, Post, PostFeedRequest, PostFeedResponse,

const CHAN_SIZE: usize = 10;

type ResponseStream = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<PostFeedResponse, Status>> + Send>>;

impl SocialService for SocialServiceImpl {
type PostFeedStream = ResponseStream;
async fn post_feed(
request: Request<PostFeedRequest>,
) -> Result<Response<Self::PostFeedStream>, Status> {
let req = request.into_inner();
println!("req: {:?}", req);

let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(CHAN_SIZE);

tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
println!("send post to sender");

let response = PostFeedResponse {
posts: vec![Post::fake()],
let _ = tx.send(Ok(response)).await.map_err(|err| {
warn!("send post failed: {:?}", err);


let stream = ReceiverStream::new(rx);

Fake the post


use uuid::Uuid;

use crate::pb::social::{Content, Post, User};

use super::now_ts;

impl Post {
pub fn fake() -> Self {
Self {
post_id: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
user: Some(User::fake()),
content: Some(Content::fake()),
created_at: Some(now_ts()),
updated_at: Some(now_ts()),

Fake the user


use crate::pb::social::User;
use fake::faker::internet::en::SafeEmail;
use fake::faker::name::en::Name;
use fake::Fake;
use fake::Faker;
use uuid::Uuid;

use super::now_ts;

impl User {
pub fn fake() -> Self {
Self {
user_id: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
nick_name: Name().fake(),
user_name: Name().fake(),
avatar: Faker.fake::<String>(),
bio: Faker.fake::<String>(),
email: SafeEmail().fake(),
web_site: Faker.fake::<String>(),
birthday: Faker.fake::<String>(),
created_at: Some(now_ts()),
updated_at: Some(now_ts()),

Fake the content


use fake::{Fake, Faker};

use crate::pb::social::Content;

impl Content {
pub fn fake() -> Self {
Self {
text: Faker.fake::<String>(),
images: vec![],
videos: vec![],

How the Client recevier Stream

  • Connect the server with: SocialServiceClient::connect(addr).await?;
  • Init the post feed request: Request::new(PostFeedRequest { limit: 10 });
  • Call post_feed: let response = client.post_feed(request).await?;
  • Use while continuously get data from the stream: while let Some(post_resp) = resp.message().await?
use std::str::FromStr;

use social::pb::social::{
social_service_client::SocialServiceClient, PostFeedRequest,
use tonic::{
transport::{Channel, Endpoint},

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
println!("starting social service client");
let addr = Endpoint::from_str("http://[::1]:9090")?;
let mut client = SocialServiceClient::connect(addr).await?;

call_post_feed(&mut client).await?;

async fn call_post_feed(client: &mut SocialServiceClient<Channel>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let request = Request::new(PostFeedRequest { limit: 10 });
println!("call greet with request: {:?}", request);

let response = client.post_feed(request).await?;
let mut resp = response.into_inner();
while let Some(post_resp) = resp.message().await? {
println!("get posts: {:?}", post_resp.posts);


Run the server

social (main)> cargo run --bin social
Compiling social v0.1.0
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 5.35s
Running `target/debug/social`
2024-09-17T01:31:43.485993Z INFO social: starting social service server
2024-09-17T01:31:43.486214Z INFO social: init social service server...
2024-09-17T01:31:43.486295Z INFO social: serve social service at [::1]:9090

req: PostFeedRequest { limit: 10 }
send post to sender
send post to sender
send post to sender
2024-09-17T01:36:06.394098Z WARN social::abi::service: send post failed: SendError { .. }
send post to sender
2024-09-17T01:36:09.398233Z WARN social::abi::service: send post failed: SendError { .. }
send post to sender
2024-09-17T01:36:12.400842Z WARN social::abi::service: send post failed: SendError { .. }

Run the Client

social (main) [SIGINT]> cargo run --bin social-client
Compiling social v0.1.0
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.30s
Running `target/debug/social-client`
starting social service client

call greet with request: Request { metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {} }, message: PostFeedRequest { limit: 10 }, extensions: Extensions }

get posts: [Post { post_id: "8d9854b3-f0a4-4d21-9dbd-0718963d36cb", user: Some(User { user_id: "8aedf511-28cd-4d66-b2a7-7c74b88a69dd", nick_name: "Ofelia Swift", user_name: "Emerald Halvorson", avatar: "refxsVCzlDP2D6LxWd4", bio: "zzFINJYfdhnDPfGnn4", email: "[email protected]", web_site: "Uel4iJ", birthday: "wUL6SmuVyJMtXA", created_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536960, nanos: 384597000 }), updated_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536960, nanos: 384602000 }) }), content: Some(Content { text: "7tRRvoJqwBFHbk1", images: [], videos: [] }), created_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536960, nanos: 384604000 }), updated_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536960, nanos: 384604000 }) }]

get posts: [Post { post_id: "4eb28096-5573-4e30-973d-9d3f11ee2dd7", user: Some(User { user_id: "0a643764-f439-48a5-add6-d7a5b775a8c2", nick_name: "Ozella Kutch", user_name: "Brendon Kub", avatar: "1Kb0gIloZ2rv", bio: "ksYKahDai", email: "[email protected]", web_site: "O7GJ0Ui", birthday: "MkrA0wCirsd4hGQDLMf", created_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536963, nanos: 388874000 }), updated_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536963, nanos: 388885000 }) }), content: Some(Content { text: "cgCedOYkEmXuqev8", images: [], videos: [] }), created_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536963, nanos: 388901000 }), updated_at: Some(Timestamp { seconds: 1726536963, nanos: 388902000 }) }]

Thanks for your reading!, Hope this can help you learn how to implement stream endpoint in Tonic.